The Battle of Shivas'sha
A large Tau agriplant and refinery form a constucted chokepoint in the centre of the field.
The moon sets slowly over the field as the river flows steadily. A vital Tau supply route cuts its way over the river. In the distance can be seen the still smoking craters of Gamma complex.
Eldar Deployment
Tau Deployment
The Dark had set in this eve earlier than expected. A strange phenomena on this world where the photosensitive atmosphere seemed to react with local weather patterns to filter light intensity. Was it just a natural weather pattern or something more ? It was not altogether certain but Duke Aenir, Autarch from the Iyanden craftworld sensed something amis in the weave, as if the clouds sensed the impending doom awaiting the inhabitants of this world and in accordance drew the very light from the day. This was to be a dark day but not for the Eldar, they had arrived at the request from Farseer Aenir-Jaris . There was definitely something not quite right with Shivas’sha, as the blue monkeigh called this place, and he was here to find out why. Ahead of him loomed the Tau outpost and refinery, a prime target that must be neutralized if his war host was to move across the land without being harassed. So far the Tau resistance had been staunch but surmountable, however time grew short and it would not be long before the current occupants of this world regrouped from the shock assault of warhost Aenir.
Across the field he saw the unmistakable heat signatures of one of the Tau titans, if the recon information was reliable it should possess some form of artillery support, with any luck the Swords of Vaul positioned to his left and right would bring it down before it could bring its weapons to bear on his Aspect warriors.
The Rangers had scouted most of the field and were already in position on his flanks, it would be vital to keep the Tau scouts away from his vehicles, their technology allowing them a great advantage if their enemies fell into their targeting range. To this end Aenir had thought it wise to bring two detachments of Vyper jetbikes, easily able to meet these “Pathfinders” head on and crush them under a hail of deadly shuriken. However the real spearhead of his force was most definitely the two Revenant class scout titans. Taking up position in his centre, many times the pair had used their unsurpassed maneuverability and lethal firepower to turn the tide of a battle. She Who Would Chase The Moons turned her head in acknowledgement of the Autarchs thoughts, her pilot and her twin brother in the titan next to her were known to be acutely attuned to the flow of the skein, an essential quality for any siblings wishing to master these ancient war vessels. Aenir pondered briefly the interconnectedness of his warhost perfectly balanced between male and female, yin and yang, the symmetry suggested by the farseer as bringing the best chance of success upon this world. Suddenly his contemplations were interrupted.
And then it began.
From seemingly nowhere a large contingent of Tau KV15 Stealth battlesuits appeared across the river to the Aeldari right flank, blocking the path of the oncoming Vypers. They bore down upon the advancing bikes and raised their weapons.
“They must have been lying in wait amongst the boulders of the riverbed” thought the Autarch, slightly amused by this trick he sent an impulse to the Rangers ahead and with lighting speed they turned and met the threat however the suits were impossible to lock on to, every target the rangers hit was only a ghost relay, Aenir started to wonder if perhaps there might be more to this Tau technology than he had come to expect. Silent and focused, the Rangers did little to deflect the Tau strike as the 1st Vypers were engulfed in a hail of small explosions, two crashing to the turf in smoking ruins. Without pause from past the woods and boulders a salvo of missiles landed among the 1st Vypers tearing up the earth along their path, this was enough to break their advance and they quickly veered towards the safety of the main host even as more missiles began raining down among the 1st Swords of Vaul. Aenir quickly sent word to his Rangers to be aware and move forward to meet any more threats. The “threat” however moved forward to meet the Ranger and the threat was no small one. From far across the fields beyond the building and the road came a trio of heavy Riptide mecha. They targeted the 2nd Rangers in the woods and opened up, trees burned and shattered from the barrage and after the explosions had dissipated the Rangers found more than half of their number lost, quickly retreating back towards the deep forest.
Realising that the initiative was quickly slipping from his grasp, if indeed, it ever were within it, Aenir ordered his 1st Swords of Vaul forward and they shot off across the open terrain targeting the enemy scouts and destroying the Devilfish transports and their annoying missile salvos. This advancing strike however brought with it a return of fire from the distant Tau Supremacy titan, still finding its range however the explosions all fell harmlessly around the 1st Swords.
Knowing that the Pathfinders and their infuriating targeting systems were the cause of this rain of fire the obvious choice was to send in the sister 2nd Vypers to finish what the Swords had started, but the scouts proved more resilient than expected and although several fell to the Vyper attack they stood their ground.
“It is time to enter into this fight” commanded Aenir and his own troupe and his sister troupe of Aspects rushed forward on foot. What had happened to their transport, mysteriously disabled only hours earlier during the time of battle meditation?
“Perhaps those Stealthsuits had something to do with it'' he mused as he rushed forward over the still smoking ruins and craters of the Gamma industry complex blasted to ruins not long before from orbit to clear the area of possible resistance.
As the battle raged on and many targets appeared, the guardians manning the sister 2nd Swords of Vaul faltered in the communication chain and Aenir had to pause to quickly clarify the correct target. Finally the 2nd Swords raced forward targeting the scout tetra skimmers annihilating those visible and causing the Tau scouts to finally retreat from sight behind the great domes of the agriplant.
Overhead the Tau aircraft swooped down to rake the 1st Rangers on the Eastern Flank causing devastating losses however they bravely remained operational able to keep their tenacious hold on the Eldar right flank.
“Your time will come” growled the Autarch under his breath angry at the fighter jets as the zoomed off, his deadly nightwings turning down a chance to pursue them as they circled the battle on a holding pattern, waiting for the soft target of the Tau’s main Orca dropship to arrive.
As Aenir looked back to the pass in front he saw the main body of the Tau troops and... surprisingly...their command units move into range of his 2nd Vypers, they disembarked and locked onto the bikes with their guided missiles breaking the nerve of the riders as they veered away from their strike run.
Now was his chance, the snake had presented its head and it was time to cut it off, his hand raised and then pointed in the direction of the Tau commanders and with a graceful ease that belied their massive size the Titans lept forwards over the ruins into the frey. As they landed their awesome pulsars lit up the Tau vehicles vaporising them all instantly.
“As the wind blows so shall the sand settle” he chuckled, feeling a little justified to have evened the score as he and his Aspects marched on foot onwards through the smoking ruins.
Aun'O T'au Dra'me was not meant to be here, his duty as an official to this planet had led him here on an administrative excursion of the outer industrial belt. Why had the Eldar decided to attack right now? He was not supposed to even be here! He had little experience in warfare and thought it best to leave it up to Shas’O Nev’haam but the Firewarriors insisted he accompany them and he supposed he must do his duty, what could go wrong with so many heavy battlesuits and even a Supremacy suit at his back? Apparently quite a bit, he had just lost his transports to some giant floating warriors and even now the Eldar tanks were bearing down on his position…. he did not like the look of them. As they opened fire countless warrior fell around him, this was too much to bear and he immediately rethought his position and withdrew to the cover of the forest. Too little too late, the Revenant titans followed up with a second deadly salvo tearing his reality apart and cutting short his reasonably long life.
The other R’varna battlesuits also cried out in pain at the loss of their brothers, they could not rally the courage to take on the titans instead in their pain lashing out at the 2nd Swords and dropping one to the ground it exploded scattering shards of armour and crystal across the pass.
Over on the Tau left flank Fireblade Shas'La Ksi'm'yen Grasux received word of the devastating loss of his comrades and the Etheral Dra’me. He suddenly felt the weight of command fall to him as the 1st Firewarriors turned and looked to him for guidance. Drawing on his many battles he knew now that the fate of this expedition rested on his shoulders. The Firewarriors waited and as Grasux came to terms with the loss he issued the order to advance, they turned and slowly moved forward across the bridge.
Overhead in the darkening clouds the three Aircaste pilots roared overhead on another approach run to their target the 2nd Vypers, the Razorsharks engines thrumming through the heavy mist on the eastern fringe of the battlefield, but looming out of the mist in their path was the daunting form of two Revenants. Warning lights lit up as incoming surface to air missiles locked on but the superior training of the pilots kicked in and the formation managed to successfully jink, dashing their chance at a ground attack but still a more favourable option to bailing out of an exploding Razorshark at low altitude over heavy woods full of enemy troops.
The Tau Stealthsuits watched as the 1st Vypers peeled around again to make an attack run on their positions yet once again the stealth tech proved to great and not one warrior fell and as the bikes came back into range they opened up again, two more bikes went down and on the Tau closed coms comments of “this is too easy” and “turkey shoot” flitted back and forth. Seeing their brethren fall the Rangers were shaken and withdrew to the woods, unaware of the destruction wrought by the titans moments ago all they could see was the enemy closing in around their position.
The Pulse Ordinance Multidriver on the Supremacy opened up yet again and targeted the 1st Swords of Vaul with a high arcing barrage. One war engine was consumed in flame, and the others sped off across the ruins in hopes of bringing the Tau fighters into range on their exit path.
Just at this moment the Tau coms lit up and a message was broadcast to all formations, the familiar voice of commander Shas'El Sa'cea Doruth of the 3rd Air Crisis platoon cried out “Prepare for aerial assault..All battlesuits formations converge on enemy titans, the Mont’ka is at hand!” Although rather reckless at times she was well known for her brash maneuvers and could often turn the tide of a battle with her killing blows. Suddenly the Orca dropped from the clouds and made a sharp turn as its powerful boosters brought it into a precision landing among the converging Riptides. Even before she set down her Crisis suits started to boost out in a well rehearsed drop procedure, but just as they were about the land a screaming whine of jets and a supersonic crack broke across the sky as a trio of Nightwings raced down to let loose upon the hapless Orca. The lone Tau Skyray of the 1st Firewarrior cadre saw an opportunity and launched its seeker missiles towards the Nightwings, amazingly one found its mark and the trio suddenly became a duo as a fighter fell from the sky crashing into the river in a ball of hissing flame and steam. The Riptides responded and sent their velocity trackers out in an arc across the flightpath, but the Nightwings outmaneuvered the remaining AA and came in for the kill. Somehow though the Orca was only hit with moderate damage as the pilots maintained composure to land her with no losses on board. The Crisis suits bounded in towards the Titans with a sudden flare of fusion and plasma, just as the converging Riptides gave their support to Shas’El Doruth and her other Crisis suit platoon members .
Nothing could touch the titans however, the holofields again weaving their deceptive shroud and leading the shots astray. In retaliation the two Revenants worked perfect unison and vaporised a crisis suit in mid flight as they twisted and weaved through the affray, the stationary Orca didn't stand a chance as it was cut in half by a focused pulsar blast.
This was not how the commander had hoped it would go and her platoon hastily withdrew to perceived safety of the forest however during the close combat Doruth had become disoriented and instead of moving into cover behind the supporting Riptides she had somehow led the troupe to be even more exposed to nearby enemy forces. The Aeldari were quick to respond as shuriken and sniper fire from the 2nd Rangers and 2nd Vypers cut down Shas’El Doruth and several more Crisis suits. As another Tau commander fell, Fireblade Dra’me wondered if the only killing blow being dealt this day was a self inflicted one.
Dra’me had had enough, this was an unprovoked attack upon a peaceful Tau world and there was no sense to the unfolding death and destruction just a deepening oppression in the air as the clouds grew darker and the smoke from the craters filled the sky. Some of his friends had worked in the Gamma complex and now it was ashes and rubble. He was angry but he knew he must maintain a cool head if he was to survive this day. Across the field commanders of the Heavy R’varna and Riptide battlesuits had similar emotions. Seeing the cause of their woes now within range they opened up at the Revenants, this time the holofields were not as effective, perhaps the AI of the Tau targeting systems had compensated for the refraction index as shot after shot hit the mark on the nearest titan. Suddenly it was consumed in a flash of plasma as one of the damaged components went supercritical. The remaining titan buckled from the shockwaves and was thrown into the trees. As it arose it boosted into the air back beyond the cover of the forest looking woefully down on the crater where its sibling had been moments before.
In the Tau centre the Supremacy suit was hit by several beams from the 1st and 2nd Swords as they advanced in and around the pass taking advantage of its exposed position while the majority of the Tau forces were engaged with the titans along the Western fringe. The Supremacy shrugged off the blows and in response let toose another salvo against the 2ndSwords buckling the hulls of multiple tanks and breaking the resolve of the crews inside as they turned and raced for cover. All across the field of battle Tau were fighting back. The pathfinders previously sent running for cover returned to harry their Ranger counterparts across the river breaking the 1st Rangers with suppressing fire as they withdrew into the cover of the trees and boulders along the river. They would find no refrain however as the Firewarriors led by Dra’me cleared the bridge and let loose volley after volley into the trees causing the Eldar 1st Rangers there to panic and quit the field. As the Stealthsuits made a rush across the river and towards the heart of the Eldar lines they turned to finish the final squad of 1st Rangers taking cover in the boulders, opening themselves to counterattack in the process. The remaining bikers of 1st Vyper had been waiting for this chance and streaked in to cause some casualties to the Stealthsuits however they were too few to change the equation and the formation maintained its movement towards the Eldar centre.
On the far Western flank the remnants of the Crisis platoon leapt forwards through the trees once more to retaliate against the 2nd Vypers managing to hit one with a lucky plasma rifle round sending them back where they came.
Overhead a dogfight ensued as the Razorsharks came in again for a strafing run against the 2nd Rangers on the Tau right flank. Intercepted by the Nightwings they could not avoid a loss as one Nightwing locked on with bright lance and obliterated a Razorshark.
The 2nd Rangers were showered with falling debris and rapid fire ion blasts deciding it wise to seek cover and hunker down in the woods across from the Tau rear lines. Ahead of them in the mist imposing silhouettes of several Riptide battlesuits guarding the strategic Tau lines of retreat.
The tide had turned and it seemed victory was in the balance, both sides had suffered but the Tau looked to have the upper hand along the Eastern River. All they needed to do was gain control of the Eldar centre and they might drive off these unprovoked raiders.
The Eldar had taken several losses and the lack of mobility imposed upon the main brother and sister Aspect warrior hosts was beginning to take its toll, noting that up until this point neither warhost had fired a shot or closed in combat with any of their foe. Aenir was fighting to keep the Tau from out maneuvering his uncharacteristically slower forces.
This was it, the farseer had foretold this moment, Aenir saw now the way to victory and he knew the tides of fate would favour his hand this day. Even as the Tau Pathfinders and Firewarriors closed in, taking the centre field before him and laying down small arms fire on any available targets and the heavy Riptide and R’varna battlesuits laid their submunitions across his 1st Swords of Vaul armour he knew that all would fall as it had been foretold. The Swords fell back but it was not a concern compared to what he hoped was about to happen, and as he saw the Jetbikes streak across the ruins and over the remaining building he knew the Supremacy suit was doomed. With the fall of She Who Would Chase the Moon the Autarch came to understand the meaning of the farseers cryptic passage, had he known the price that would be paid in the meaning behind a balanced fall he would surely have chosen a different path. “Damn that witch” he thought, her words never gave him more than the keenest hindsight. So it was that Aelinor was the rider foretold to bring about the impossible, and even as he saw the colossal mech fall face first into the earth he could not believe his eyes. Ducking and weaving between defensive fire, the remaining bikers closed distance to the Supremacy suit. Two flew low drawing fire and one high and as the shuriken sang, so did the giant groan. Piercing the suits cockpit though some unfortunate weak point, the pilot inside was shredded in his command brace. The bikers issued vengeful war cries as they raced away in defiant retribution.
Aenir reached his mind out to feel the agony of the brother of Moonchaser and the titan lifted it's head, the glowing hatred of his aupexes piercing the smoke from a mile across the field as it focused on the Autarch. “A balanced fall will bring a rising sun” recalled Aenir as he psycicly caressed the brothers crippling woe into a burning ire until Sunseekers Promise raised a pulsar in salute to the distant setting moon and vaulted over the trees into range of the doomed Riptides unleashing a demonstorm of fire against his foes, crippling one with successive hits causing a giant flashback leaving nothing but a smoking pile of wreckage. Before its Tau comrades could even respond the 2nd Aspect warriors howled in rage and closed on foot with the now backpedalling mecha, their assault deadly enough to bring down another Riptide, and damaging the sole survivor. The remaining pilot turned, his will broken, he crashed through the trees bringing several down in his wake as he fled in terror …. But nothing could save him. Death from above closed in as an eagle swoops on its prey, the Nighwings finding a suitable target for their lances and the last of the Riptides dropped to its knees and lay still as the mists enveloped its broken form. Witness to all this the already battered Crisis suits too turned and fled the field, seeking to fight another day rather than face the wrath of the oncoming Revenant before them.
The last hope of the Tau now remained in its Stealthsuits. All they had to do was break through the enemy lines and perhaps they could disable the command structure under the cover of darkness however in their path lay the last of the 1st Vyper and they would not be able to pass without revealing their position so instead they opted to fight their way through, shooting and breaking the jetbikes once again they rushed forwards but did not quite make it past the 1st Aspect warhost. Little did they know the Autarch was waiting for them and finally the Aspect warrior host of the Autarch sprang into action closing on the flanking Stealthsuits. Dark reapers and Striking Scorpions wreaking havoc and outclassing the KV15s. The squad leader issued orders to all remaining to shift into stealthmode and quit the field.
As the remaining Razorsharks crossed the sky overhead strafing the retreating line of the 1st Swords of Vaul the Autaurch knew he had won the day and he could continue his search for the source of this mysterious phenomena shrouding Shivas’sha.
Tau Vior’la v Eldar Biel Tan
Shivas'sha, 3000 POINTS
NetEA Tau Vior'la (2.3)
3 Razorshark strike Fighters
Shas'el Commander, 3 XV104 Riptide
Shas'el Commander, 3 XV107 R'Varna
1 KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Battlesuit unit, Pulse-Ordinance Multi-Driver
Skyray, Cadre Fireblade, 6 Fire Warrior Breacher units, 2 Pathfinder units
Ethereal, 4 Fire Warrior Breacher units, 2 Pathfinder units, 3 Devilfish, Shas'o Commander, Skyray
6 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit units, Shas'el Commander
6 XV15 Stealthsuit unit
4 Pathfinder units, 2 Devilfish, 3 Tetr
Aenir, 2995 POINTS
Biel-Tan Craftworld (Biel-Tan Craftworld (v4.2))
2 Dire Avenger, Exarch, Autarch, Striking Scorpion, Howling Banshee, 2 Fire Dragon, 2 Dark Reaper
2 Dire Avenger, 2 Exarch, Striking Scorpion, Howling Banshee, 2 Fire Dragon, 2 Dark Reaper
2 Revenant Titans
3 Nightwing Interceptors
2 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm, 2 Fire Prism
2 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm, Fire Prism
6 Vyper
6 Vyper
6 Ranger
6 Range
Turn 1
Tau Teleport Stealth suits deep into Eldars right flank taking up positions across from Vyper 1 - 1 BM on teleport
Eldar win Initiative
Ranger1 Advance, target Stealthsuits no damage = 1BM
Stealthsuits Sustain FAIL – SC reroll = PASS fire upon Vyper1 kill 2 = 3 BM
Firewarrior1 Double shoot GM at Vyper1 no damage = BROKEN
Nightwings CAP
Pathfinders Double shoot at SOV 1 = no damage = 1 BM
Eldar Ranger2 March
Riptides Advance shoot at Ranger2 Kill 4 = BROKEN
SOV 1 Advance shoot at Pathfinders kill 2 Devilfish = 3 BM
Supremacy Suit Double shoot at SOV1 no damage = 1 BM
Vyper2 Double shoot at Pathfinders kill 1 = 1 BM (still not broken!)
Aspect Warriors1 March
R’vana Double shoot at Vyper2 kill 1 = 2 BM
SOV2 Advance FAIL – SC reroll = PASS shoot at Pathfinders kill 1 tetra = BROKEN
Firewarrior2 BTS Double shoot at Vyper2 kill 1 = BROKEN
Aspect Warriors2 March
Razorsharks Ground Attack shoot at Ranger1 kill 2 = 3 BM
Scout Titans BTS Double shoot at Firewarrior2 BTS taking out all vehicles = 5 BM
Orca + Crisis Suits Stand Down
Razorsharks flyoff taking flak from Scout Titan = 1 BM
Nightwings stay on CAP
- BROKEN Pathfinders FAIL and Withdraw
All other units pass
Firewarrior2 BTS clears 5 BM from 2x Leader
Turn 2
Eldar win initiative
SOV2 Advance Shoot Firewarrior1 BTS kill 4 = BROKEN
Scout Titans BTS Double shoot BROKEN Firewarrior2 BTS wiping out formation
Riptides Sustain shoot Scout Titans no damage = 1 BM
R’vana FAIL ACTIVATION (+1BM) = shoot at SOV2 kill 1 = 2 BM
Vyper1 Double shoot at Stealthsuits no damage = 1 BM
Firewarrior1 FAIL ACTIVATION (+1BM) = Moves
Razorsharks Ground Attack take heavy flak and Jink saving all damage
Supremacy Sustain shoots SOV1 kill 1 = 2 BM
SOV1 Double does not shoot
Orca Ground Assault Triggers Nightwing CAP (Nightwing take AA killing 1 and only score 1 Damage on Orca. Close Assault : Orca+Crisis with Scout Titans BTS . Assualt FAILS Eldar win by 1 point = Orca destroyed, Crisis BROKEN = 1 killed, Riptides +1 BM. Crisis Withdraw.
Ranger2 Advance shoot BROKEN Crisis kill 1 +1 BM = 2 dead, 3 Remain
Stealthsuits Sustain shoot Vyper1 kill 2 = BROKEN
Vypers Advance shoot BROKEN Crisis no damage = kill Shas’El, 2 Remain
Aspect Warrior1 Overwatch
Aspect Warrior2 March
Razorsharks flyoff no flak = 1 BM
Nightwings flyoff taking flak but no damage = 3 BM
- BROKEN Pathfinders PASS
- BROKEN Crisis Suits PASS
Turn 3
Tau win initiative
Riptide Advance shoot Scout Titans 2 Damage but no crits = 3 BM
R’varna Advance Shoot Scout Titans 2 Damage but no crits Killing 1 = BROKEN
SOV2 Advance shoot Supremacy no damage = 1 BM
Pathfinders Advance shoot Ranger1 Kill 1 = BROKEN
Nightwings CAP
Crisis Advance shoot Vyper2 kill 1 = BROKEN
SOV1 Advance Pop up Shoot at Supremacy no damage = 1 BM
Supremacy Sustain shoot SOV2 kill 2 = BROKEN
Aspect Warrior1 March
Firewarrior1 Double Shoot BROKEN Rangers1 kill 1+1 = 2 dead 1 Remain
Ranger2 Double shoot Crisis no damage = BROKEN
Razorshark Ground Attack shoot at Ranger2 = BROKEN (Nightwings Intercept kill 1 Razorshark = 2BM)
Aspect Warrior2 Overwatch
Stealthsuits Double shoot BROKEN Ranger1 Wiping out
Vyper1 FAIL - SC reroll = PASS Sustain Fire shoot at Stealthsuits kill 1 = 2 BM
Razorsharks flyoff no flak = 2 BM
Nightwings flyoff taking flak but no damage = 1 BM
- BROKEN Crisis Suits PASS
- BROKEN Scout Titans PASS
Turn 4
Tau win initiative
Pathfinders March
R’varna Co ordinated Fire FAIL (+1BM) shoot at SOV1 no damage = 1 BM
Vyper2 Double shoot at Supremacy 1 Damage CRIT = DESTROYED
Riptides Advance shoot at SOV1 kill 2 = BROKEN
Scout Titan Advnace FAIL – SC reroll = PASS shoot at Riptides kill 1 (2 CRITS!) = 3 BM
Stealthsuits Double shoot at Vyper1 kill 1 = BROKEN
Aspect Warriors2 Close Assault Riptides, Assualt SUCEEDS Eldar win by 1 = Riptides take 1 kill, 1 Remain. 1 Damage from Route no Crit and BROKEN
Firewarrior1 Double (1 pathfinder lost in Difficult terrain) shoot at Vyper2 no damage = 1 BM
Nightwings Ground Attack wiping out Riptides
Crisis Suits Advance FAIL = BROKEN
Aspect Warriors1 Assault Stealthsuits wiping out
Razorshark Ground Attack shoot BROKEN SOV1 no damage = 1 kill
Razorsharks flyoff no flak
Nightwings flyoff no flak
- BROKEN Crisis Suits FAIL
- All units Rally
Tau claim 1 VP for Take and Hold
Eldar claim 1 VP for Break Their Spirit
Eldar points claim 1750
Tau points claim 1048
Victory on points to Eldar
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